Friday, 26 December 2008
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
X'mas in Cleveland
But the booze, good food, good conversations with aunts, uncles and grandmas... I wish I could be back there for this coming Chinese New Year...
Anyways, all these got me thinking about getting this amazing X'mas gift for the fam!!!!
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Monday, 1 December 2008
Friday, 28 November 2008
But, the week is coming to an end. As I`m sitting in Oli`s apartment, looking out the window, I thought to myself, Am I missing out on thisÉ Whatever happened to my alone timeÉ some ME timeÉ I know once the plane touch down in Detroit, I`ll start it all over again, catching up on news, start planning IC news stories, getting the information for my UT Ten News story, homework!! Assignments and quizes to do... sigh...
Here`s a recap of my French Thanksgiving Week.
Arrive in Paris at 8 a.m. Met up with my couchsurfing host, Arno, and his friends, Daniel from Melbourne, another Arno, a French and a Korean who does not speak Korean [he`s fluent in French]. I told them the only thing I missed out on from my last trip was going to the Louvre Museum. So, we braved the snow first, then the rain and headed to the Louv. My flight to Nice was at 8 p.m.
My host, Florian came to the airport. He has a small but cozy and really clean apartment.
I woke up at 7 a.m. and left with Florian, he had to leave for work at 8 a.m. and had to show me where the tram stop is. We had a typical French breakfast! with freshly baked baguettes with nutella and croissant.
I walked along the Promenade Des Anglais and the view was amazing. Everything was perfect until this creepy Italian dude came up to me and tried to talk. It was annoying. Anyways, after I lost him, I found some malls and you know I can`t resist it!
I had dinner with Florian at an authentic Nice restaurant and had some typical local dish and a bottle of white wine.
I said goodbye to Florian in the morning as he left for work, and I slept in, till 4 p.m.! It was greeatttt! I packed and headed out to a hostel near the trains station. I found a hostel for 21 euros a night. There were two French girls from Nimes, and a South Korean girl. It was a small but clean room.
I went out to Checkpoint bar and had three pints of beer and watched football! For some reason, being in Europe always makes me homesick...
I took the train to VilleFranche, a town about 15 minutes away... look out for the gorgeous pictures!!! It was a beautiful day too. I wished I could be there forever... and ever...
Then, I took the train to Monaco. Do you know it`s the smallest country after Vatican CityÉÉÉ I was just amazed at the yatchs... one day... one of those will be mine.....
I felt rich just walking around the Monte Carlo Casino. Stores like Prada, Dior, Louis Vutton, Celine, Burberry, at every corner, cars like Lamborghini, Lotus, Ferrari, Porche parked by the streets like they were JUST cars!!! Elegantly dressed, plastic-like middle-aged European women with their oh-so-precious dogs on leashes...
I met up with Oli by the Fountain at Place Massena. Memories from D.C. came flowing back. It was like back in the day. We talked and talked and talked.... and talked... , wishing Jeremiah and Lauren are with us... and he cooked... of course! LOL.... at 4 p.m. we had good pasta and a bottle of wine...
For dinner, we had the amazing Foie Gras, which I had wanted to try forever! Well, since I knew it existed, the texture... it just melts away in your mouth....and the taste... words alone can`t describe them.. you just have to try it!! [just don`t order it at Citrus restaurant in Ipoh]
Then, we had fat duck breast... so good.... with another bottle of wine...
Later that night, we went to Wayne`s bar and met up with Eduardo, Oli`s Brazilian friend. We had a good time. It was ladies` night so with 3 euros, I get unlimited Champagne!!!!
We went to another bar and the three of us ordered the cheapest Vodka [I can still taste it at the back of my throat - ewww] and downed it with O.J.
It`s kinda windy and cloudy outside... do I want to brave the weather and do something with myselfÉ Or do I want to laze around, listen to some good tunes, and read Homage to Catalonia...ÉÉ
ps. É is actually a question mark. Damn Quebecan keyboards!!
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Friday, 21 November 2008
Paris, here I come... again!
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Cross burnings, black figures hung from nooses, and schoolchildren chanting “Assassinate Obama”
Obama win prompts wave of hate crimes from Times Online
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Monday, 10 November 2008
A shirt in front of the White House states...
Martin Luther King walked in 1963.
Barack Obama ran in 2008
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Not what Obama can do for us but what we can learn from him
Obama has been welcomed across Asia particularly by younger, educated people who identify with him and see in him the sort of leader they would like to see in their own countries, a leader who speaks their language, articulates their dreams and symbolises what young people believe they can achieve.
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Friday, 7 November 2008
what a shame!
Everyone is watching this election. When I was in Europe over the summer, 8 out of 10 people I've met, be it the taxi drivers, that random dude at the bus stop, the lady next to me in the train, everyone wants to talk American politics. They were so excited and were pouring out every single bit of information they have, proud to be knowledgeable on the subject. People from Malaysia were bombarding me with questions.
A lot of Americans cannot even fathom the effect this will have on the whole world. The butterfly effect this will have on a global scale cannot be denied. Yes, he is no Messiah, he is no God, he is no prophet, he will need all the help he can get to realize his ideals. But, this is a stepping stone, an extremely significant one indeed.
I came across an article and to be honest, I've wondered this since I was a little girl. Can a non-Malay, non-Muslim be the Prime Minister of Malaysia?
If not, why? Are the Chinese and Indians considered immigrants still? Are we not all "Malaysians?" After all these time, after all the contributions non-Malays have to this country, after all the bull shit that says "we are Malaysians, we live in harmony, unlike any other countries in the world, three different races under one roof, we are like no other nation in the world," blah blah blah...
Here's the article.
Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi told reporters late Wednesday that it was possible Malaysia could have a non-Malay leader, saying "it is up to the people to decide."
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
I can say I witnessed a historic event!
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
The most historic election of our lifetime
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Muslims Ban Lesbians In Malaysia
Lesbianism has been banned under an edict issued by clerics in Malaysia who ruled that "tomboy" behaviour was against Islam.
The clerics believe lesbian behaviour goes against their religion
The National Fatwa Council also forbade the practice of girls behaving or dressing like boys.
Abdul Shukor Husin, chairman of the council, said many young women admire the way men dress and behave - and branded it a denial of their femininity and a violation of human nature.
He said: "It is unacceptable to see women who love the male lifestyle including dressing in the clothes men wear.
"It becomes clearer when they start to have sex with someone of the same gender, that is woman and woman.
"In view of this, the National Fatwa Council have decided and taken the stand that such acts are forbidden and banned."
They must respect God. God created them as boys, they must behave like boys. God created them as girls, they must act like girls.Harussani Idris Zakaria, member of Malaysia's National Fatwa Council
Under the edict, girls are forbidden to sport short hair and dress, walk and act like boys.
Male homosexuality - specifically sodomy - is illegal in Malaysia and punishable with up to 20 years in jail.
Accusations of sodomy have twice been levelled against the opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim in what he says are politically motivated attempts to destroy him.
But lawyers say there is no provision banning lesbian sex in Malaysia's civil code.
The latest fatwa appears to be an attempt to push lesbianism towards illegality.
Harussani Idris Zakaria, the mufti of northern Perak state, said the council's ruling was not legally binding because it has not been passed into law, but that tomboys should be banned because their actions are "immoral".
He said: "It doesn't matter if it's a law or not. When it's wrong, it's wrong. It is a sin."
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Hitchhiking is the way to go...
Monday, 13 October 2008
Death penalty over Mary Jane
from Drug War Chronicle, Issue #555, 10/10/08
Twice in the past two weeks, courts in Malaysia have condemned people to death for marijuana trafficking offenses. Meanwhile, both Iran and Yemen have executed drug offenders in the past three weeks. Except where otherwise linked, information in this article comes from the global anti-death penalty group Hands Off Cain.
In Malaysia, the High Court Wednesday handed down death sentences to two men, Kairil Anuar Abdul Rahman, 34, and Afendi Adam, 28, for trafficking a little under two pounds of pot six years ago. The pair, a restaurant worker and a painter, respectively, were arrested in March 2002 for selling 971 grams of marijuana. Judicial Commissioner Ridwan Ibrahim said the court had no choice but to impose the death sentences after the men were found guilty. Attorneys for the pair are expected to appeal both the convictions and the sentences.
Two weeks earlier, the Shah Alam Higher Court imposed the death sentence on an Indonesian immigrant, Junaidi Nurdin, 32, for selling 979 grams of pot. Junaidi was arrested in April 2004 after he sold the stuff to an undercover policeman at a restaurant in Shah Alam. He, too, is expected to appeal.
Meanwhile, the execution of drug offenders continued apace in the Middle East. In Yemen, convicted Pakistani drug trafficker Birkhan Afridibar Hussein, 50, was executed at the Central Prison in Sanaa on September 17 after his death sentence was approved by the president of the republic. And in Iran, a man known only as Taher H. was hanged Tuesday in the northern city of Hamedan. Taher H. had been imprisoned on drug charges there, but escaped, only to be caught again with 530 pounds of heroin.
The executions of nonviolent drug offenders, almost exclusively in Southeast Asia and the Middle East has added momentum to calls for a global moratorium on the death penalty and particularly against using the death penalty for drug offenses.
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Saturday, 4 October 2008
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Second blogger arrested
They say about 63 people are being held under the ISA.
The government minister responsible for legal affairs, Zaid Ibrahim, resigned earlier this week in protest at the government's resort to the harsh law.Sunday, 14 September 2008
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
How the Malaysian government is bullying bloggers...
With site block, Malaysia seems to break promise
Posted by Lee Min KeongThe Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission earlier this week ordered all 19 of the country's Internet service providers to block the controversial political portal Malaysia Today.
The MCMC's move is expected to send shockwaves across the IT sector as it appears that the Malaysian government has broken its promise not to censor the Internet--a commitment it first made when the nation launched its Multimedia Super Corridor strategy in 1996. Under the MSC Malaysia 10 Point Bill of Guarantees, the government pledges to "ensure no Internet censorship."
Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar said the block was justified, as Malaysia Today was publishing offensive content. He told reporters Thursday: "We do not intend to curtail people's freedom or right to express themselves. But when they publish things that are libelous, slanderous, or defamatory, it is natural for the MCMC to act."
Malaysia Today's founder and editor, Raja Petra Kamaruddin, called the move a breach of the MSC charter. "The Government has clearly broken its own promise," Raja Petra said in a Thursday report by news daily The Star.
Disclaimer: The above are excerpts from an article found in a Web site below
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
I'll never forget...
I got an e-mail from my mum, letting me know that one of the dearest person to me, passed away.
How kind of her. AN E-MAIL???? REALLY? I think my family can do better than that.
My grandmother's sister was in her 90s. Even though she was not in the best condition, health wise, she still tells me stories and jokes about everything you can imagine, every time I see her.
I can honestly say I've never met anyone in my life who gets so excited and sincerely happy to see me, every single time.
She saw me grew up and taught me almost everything I know, about life. Whenever I'm back in Malaysia, I know she's the one person I can see, knowing that she wouldn't judge, like the rest of my family do, and that she cared, sincerely.
My best girlfriends wouldn't judge, but they know nothing, compared to what she knew, she had after all, lived almost a century, before we even existed.
I've always thought to myself that even though I'm far away from people who mean the most to me, my family and 3 of my best girls, I would fly home, or wherever they are, in a heartbeat... and leave everything behind.
I would always dismiss my grandmothers' worries that if anything happened to them, I wouldn't be back in time.
Now that the time has come, I hesitated.
I hate myself for being so attached. To my work, to school and to the friends I've made in this country.
I wish I would have the guts to just buy the next ticket and fly back. But what good will it do though? I got another e-mail from my mum telling me that she'll be cremated today.
Now that I know it'll be too late for me to go halfway across the world,
I wish I could take at least a week off, just to reflect and try my best to reminisce the times I had with her.
But do I really wanna be of those people who would make this an excuse? I'm not that weak, am I? I know I'm stronger than that. Much stronger.
I anticipated that this will be a crazy semester, I just didn't expect it to start like this.
A co-worker once joked that every time we had new writers/copy editors, they would have to resign because one of their family member would pass away.
I laughed.
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Monday, 18 August 2008
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Desperate and tainted: Malaysia's leadership crisis
"Until the resignation in 2003 of prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, politics were entirely predictable. Now they are becoming highly unpredictable."
"The Government has only itself to blame. The media is closely controlled and widely disbelieved. The vacuum of information and opinion has been filled by two websites - and - which have become highly influential, outspoken and merciless towards the Government."
"Corruption is rife in UMNO, which has become a vehicle for personal enrichment."
"Undoubtedly the system of positive discrimination in favour of Malays has outlived its usefulness, but any reforms will be difficult and potentially fraught. Hopefully the kind of change that Malaysia now requires can, in time, be achieved without losing its most precious achievement. "
--Martin Jacques
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Should we talk about it or should we pretend it's not there?
"Government leaders insisted that Malaysia was not ready for freewheeling dialogues about religion that could undermine multicultural tolerance and social peace."
"Education Minister Hishammuddin Hussein urged Malaysians 'not to think that openness is an absolute right.'"
"Tony Pua, an opposition member of Parliament, said that if lawyers were 'not allowed to hold open discussions in relation to our constitution and its laws, then it makes a complete mockery of our legal system.'"
"Complete mockery of our legal system"? I've always wondered if our laws are there to protect the people and the country or just to show that Malaysia is not lawless... and there were countless times... I was convinced of the former...
Thursday, 7 August 2008
Apparently Avril is bad for you... (what B.S.)
come on Malaysians... we're not seriously gonna let these people say anything as preposterous as this anymore... or worse... let them rule the country... are we? *gasps*
Is someone gonna shut them up or what?
Monday, 4 August 2008
Political Sex Scandals Rock Modest Malaysia
This article written by Thomas Fuller for the NYTimes draws a gloomy picture of the current state of Malaysia, but I think it is the most objective article that describes everything Malaysia is facing right now.
Monday, 28 July 2008
Yet again, journalists' objectivity questioned.
"People don't view (attending Obama's speech) as work," said Connie Llanos, a reporter for the Los Angeles Daily News and member of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. "We're not going to write about it, so you're allowed to voice your emotion or feeling."
Still, "people shouldn't be throwing underwear," said Veronica Garcia, a NAHJ board member and copy editor who spent 17 years at the Los Angeles Times. "We're journalists. We should strive to be a little objective."
Saturday, 26 July 2008
Chapman stands up for journalists!!
Here's a really good piece written by Steve Chapman.
A media crush on Obama?
"If there are some journalists who are taken with Obama, it's not surprising. One of the unfortunate things about the American press corps is that it is made up of people. Many people in other walks of life have been attracted to Obama, moved to vote for Obama, even enthralled by Obama. So you would expect some people wearing press badges to be susceptible to the same kind of reactions. "
"I'm probably not the only journalist in America who shed tears when Ronald Reagan spoke at Omaha Beach on the 40th anniversary of D-Day. I felt a few chills when New York Gov. Mario Cuomo delivered the keynote address at the 1984 Democratic national convention—which didn't stop me from blasting his message. "
"Is that plausible? Not really. In 2004, journalists voted overwhelmingly for John Kerry over George W. Bush. Kerry got plenty of unflattering news coverage anyway. I'd bet that in 2000, most media people voted for Al Gore, who thought he got a raw deal from the press. "
"But those attributes will grow stale. Obama will make mistakes. His flaws will become more noticeable. Presidential campaigns are like baseball seasons: Today's hero is tomorrow's goat. With 100 days to go, there will be plenty of chances for McCain to shine and Obama to stumble—and the news coverage will shift accordingly. By Election Day, Obama may feel like he's been worked over by the Hells Angels. "
Friday, 25 July 2008
Colombia admits rescuers posed as journalists
I can't believe the rescuers actually posed as journalist, and now, tells the world. Can you imagine what this will do to journalists' credibility especially in an armed-conflict country/region???
How irresponsible!!!
Jean-Francois Julliard, deputy director of the press advocacy organization Reporters Without Borders, said authorities can endanger journalists when they pose as members of the news media.
"We think it is a dangerous practice because it puts in danger real journalists," he said.
The next time a reporter approaches FARC rebels, he said, the FARC members "will be very suspicious and maybe they will take some physical measures against these journalists because they will think that they are not real journalists."
Thursday, 24 July 2008
"Rice told to stay out of Malaysian affairs"
- Haiti News.NetThursday 24th July, 2008
I can't believe the foreign minister actually said that!? Does he or the government really think they can resolve whatever Malaysia is facing politically? Do they not see what kind of shame they have brought the country with the way they handled the "scandal"??
Click in the except above to read the entire story.
I think Rice is right. What Malaysia needs right now, in fact a long time ago, is transparency in our government!!!
Sunday, 20 July 2008
And again...
In office, he would be forced to use his eloquence and his global popularity to make the case for what is left of the coalition to see its responsibilities to the Iraqis through. Many of his supporters, especially outside the US, would see it as a betrayal. I think it would be a necessary one, by which he could at last heal the suspicion of American power that provides so many around the world with easy excuses."
These quotes are taken from John Rentoul: Obama, the most dominant force in British politics
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Barack Obama = Rockstar???
"It's kind of creepy that the network anchors are tagging along after Barack Obama on his great overseas adventure.
When John McCain went to Iraq after he cinched the GOP nomination, the media was so infatuated with the Democratic primary that little attention was paid to McCain's trip..."
Thursday, 10 July 2008
The release, assigned reference number 545-08, provided the rank, name, age and home of record of the three dead soldiers. The announcement also stated the Marines died June 26 while supporting combat operations in Al Anbar province, Iraq.
Multi National Force Iraq (MNF-I) posted the DOD press release on their official Web site 24 hours after the Marines were killed.
The DOD press release made no mention of the suicide attacker who walked into a building filled with members of the Awakening Council and U.S.-led coalition forces. The Awakening Council is a pro-American tribal organization that is frequently targeted by al Qaeda in Iraq.
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Traveling - a dangerous passion
Thursday, 26 June 2008

Saturday, 21 June 2008
Day 1 - Back in Toledo
I'm back... well, at least it's nice and warm here in Toledo... but ahh... what should I do with myself... on a nice day like today... on a Friday...
I keep thinking.. hey I can get a gelato! grab a bottle of beer and satisfy my growling stomach with a kebab (yummyyy) and have a lil picnic at the park!
wait a minute...! I forgot:
-there's no gelato in Toledo
-I'm not "old" enough to drink in this country (blody hell)
-it's against the law to drink in public (rolls eyes)
-there's no kebab in Toledo
... and yeah...
oh and! I was just told that next week is AVI's (UT's food service company I've been working for) last week! I'll have to apply a job with the new company... and they might not even hire so soon! Arghh!
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Heathrow Airport, London
Final Day
Day 44 - London
Day 43 - London
Day 42 - Dublin
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
No to Lisbon!
The Treaty at a glance

On 13 December 2007, EU leaders signed the Treaty of Lisbon, thus bringing to an end several years of negotiation about institutional issues.
The Treaty of Lisbon amends the current EU and EC treaties, without replacing them. It will provide the Union with the legal framework and tools necessary to meet future challenges and to respond to citizens' demands.
- A more democratic and transparent Europe, with a strengthened role for the European Parliament and national parliaments, more opportunities for citizens to have their voices heard and a clearer sense of who does what at European and national level.
- A strengthened role for the European Parliament: the European Parliament, directly elected by EU citizens, will see important new powers emerge over the EU legislation, the EU budget and international agreements. In particular, the increase of co-decision procedure in policy-making will ensure the European Parliament is placed on an equal footing with the Council, representing Member States, for the vast bulk of EU legislation.
- A greater involvement of national parliaments: national parliaments will have greater opportunities to be involved in the work of the EU, in particular thanks to a new mechanism to monitor that the Union only acts where results can be better attained at EU level (subsidiarity). Together with the strengthened role for the European Parliament, it will enhance democracy and increase legitimacy in the functioning of the Union.
- A stronger voice for citizens: thanks to the Citizens' Initiative, one million citizens from a number of Member States will have the possibility to call on the Commission to bring forward new policy proposals.
- Who does what: the relationship between the Member States and the European Union will become clearer with the categorisation of competences.
- Withdrawal from the Union: the Treaty of Lisbon explicitly recognises for the first time the possibility for a Member State to withdraw from the Union.
- A more efficient Europe, with simplified working methods and voting rules, streamlined and modern institutions for a EU of 27 members and an improved ability to act in areas of major priority for today's Union.
- Effective and efficient decision-making: qualified majority voting in the Council will be extended to new policy areas to make decision-making faster and more efficient. From 2014 on, the calculation of qualified majority will be based on the double majority of Member States and people, thus representing the dual legitimacy of the Union.A double majority will be achieved when a decision is taken by 55% of the Member States representing at least 65% of the Union’s population.
- A more stable and streamlined institutional framework: the Treaty of Lisbon creates the function of President of the European Council elected for two and a half years, introduces a direct link between the election of the Commission President and the results of the European elections, provides for new arrangements for the future composition of the European Parliament and for a smaller Commission, and includes clearer rules on enhanced cooperation and financial provisions.
- Improving the life of Europeans: the Treaty of Lisbon improves the EU's ability to act in several policy areas of major priority for today's Union and its citizens. This is the case in particular for the policy areas of freedom, security and justice, such as combating terrorism or tackling crime. It also concerns to some extent other areas including energy policy, public health, civil protection, climate change, services of general interest, research, space, territorial cohesion, commercial policy, humanitarian aid, sport, tourism and administrative cooperation.
- A Europe of rights and values, freedom, solidarity and security, promoting the Union's values, introducing the Charter of Fundamental Rights into European primary law, providing for new solidarity mechanisms and ensuring better protection of European citizens.
- Democratic values: the Treaty of Lisbon details and reinforces the values and objectives on which the Union is built. These values aim to serve as a reference point for European citizens and to demonstrate what Europe has to offer its partners worldwide.
- Citizens' rights and Charter of Fundamental Rights: the Treaty of Lisbon preserves existing rights while introducing new ones. In particular, it guarantees the freedoms and principles set out in the Charter of Fundamental Rights and gives its provisions a binding legal force. It concerns civil, political, economic and social rights.
- Freedom of European citizens: the Treaty of Lisbon preserves and reinforces the "four freedoms" and the political, economic and social freedom of European citizens.
- Solidarity between Member States: the Treaty of Lisbon provides that the Union and its Member States act jointly in a spirit of solidarity if a Member State is the subject of a terrorist attack or the victim of a natural or man-made disaster. Solidarity in the area of energy is also emphasised.
- Increased security for all: the Union will get an extended capacity to act on freedom, security and justice, which will bring direct benefits in terms of the Union's ability to fight crime and terrorism. New provisions on civil protection, humanitarian aid and public health also aim at boosting the Union's ability to respond to threats to the security of European citizens.
- Europe as an actor on the global stage will be achieved by bringing together Europe's external policy tools, both when developing and deciding new policies. The Treaty of Lisbon will give Europe a clear voice in relations with its partners worldwide. It will harness Europe's economic, humanitarian, political and diplomatic strengths to promote European interests and values worldwide, while respecting the particular interests of the Member States in Foreign Affairs.
- A new High Representative for the Union in Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, also Vice-President of the Commission, will increase the impact, the coherence and the visibility of the EU's external action.
- A new European External Action Service will provide back up and support to the High Representative.
- A single legal personality for the Union will strengthen the Union's negotiating power, making it more effective on the world stage and a more visible partner for third countries and international organisations.
- Progress in European Security and Defence Policy will preserve special decision-making arrangements but also pave the way towards reinforced cooperation amongst a smaller group of Member States.